Quicken one step update stopped working

Quicken one step update stopped working

Have you signed up for the Free Quicken Upgrade offer for your windows?
Quicken architectural is a lot like Quicken 2016, to an extend and is easy to find the folders I mentioned. I do have both Windows 10 Pro 32 and 64-Bit Build 106 installed.
What Anti-Virus Package are you running?
A couple of things:
1. if someone is having an issue, it would be best to not upgrade to Quicken until the issue is resolved.
2. I believe these crashes and issues impact folks that use Quicken Mobile and OSU. I have yet to find a person who has gone back to R5 or R9 and restored a pre R6 data file that has these issues.
3. lastly, this isn't a problem with the Surface. It should be discussed on the QLC if he wants to continue

If you want to fix your problem flow this step. Download QcleanUI and the R5 mono patch before you start.
1. Uninstall Quicken 2015
2. Run the Qcleanui
3. Turn off the internet connection 
4. Reinstall Quicken 2015
5. Exit Quicken, download and install the mono patch For R5.
6. open your old pre R6 backup data file
7. NEVER update to R8 when offered.
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