Quicken OOPS Error

               Quicken OOPS Error

 Quicken cannot connect to the bank try connecting again

Quicken for Windows

The connection method for your online-enabled account is listed on the Online Services tab of the Account Details dialog. (Choose Tools menu > Account List. Click the Edit button of the account you are interested in. In the Account Details dialog, click the Online Services tab.)  Click Set up Now... under Online Setup
OOPS Error

Quicken for Windows.

When you add a new account in Quicken for Mac, the program automatically picks the type of connection to use to connect to your financial institution.  In some circumstances, if your financial institution supports multiple connection types, you may wish to choose an alternate connection method. 
To manually select the connection type during account activation:
  1. Click on the Accounts menu, select New and the type of account (Checking, Savings, etc).
  2. Enter the financial institution name. Highlight the financial institution and click the Options button in the lower right corner.
  3. Select the preferred connection type available for your financial institution.
  4. Click Continue and complete the account setup wizard.

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