Quicken Says There Are Transactions to Accept But Do Not See Any

Quicken Says There Are Transactions to Accept But Do Not See Any

In some cases, Quicken will tell you that you have downloaded transactions to accept but you do not see any transactions to accept. The following information shows you how to resolve this situation.

Download new transactions and accept them

Sometimes downloaded transactions are accepted but they get "stuck" and Quicken doesn't realize they have been accepted. In most cases, if you download new transactions and accept them in the register this issue is resolved.
If you are still getting a prompt that there are transactions to accept after accepting new transactions, continue with the next section.
Quicken Says There Are Transactions to Accept But Do Not See Any

Check the account register and Online Center

Quicken will show you downloaded transactions in multiple locations. The following information shows you how to check for downloaded transactions in the account register and Online Center.
  1. Open the account register and select Downloaded Transactions at the bottom of the register.
    • If there are transactions listed, accept them to the register.
    • If there are not any transactions listed, proceed with the next step.
  2. Choose the Tools menu > Online Center.
  3. Select the appropriate financial institution and account.
  4. Select Transactions.
    • If transactions are listed, click Compare to Register and accept the transactions.Note: Compare to Register will display online payments on the initial screen. After accepting your online payments, click ContinueNext or Done to see the rest of your downloaded transactions.
    • If no transactions are listed or Compare to Register does not allow you to accept the transactions, proceed to the next section.

Correct data integrity issues

If the Quicken data file is damaged, you might receive prompts about downloaded transactions when you don't have any downloaded transactions. This section shows you how to correct these issues.
If you know when this issue began, the best solution is to restore a backup created before this issue began. If you do not have a backup to restore, Quicken has a built in utility, Validate, that will correct many data integrity issues.
  1. Choose the File menu > File Operations > Copy.
  2. Accept all defaults and click OK.
  3. Open the New Copy when prompted.
  4. choose the File menu > File Operations > Validate.
  5. Select the new copy created in step 2 and click OK.
    Note: Depending on the size of your data file, you may need to wait a while for the validation process to finish. Do not use the Task Manager to close Quicken. Quicken displays an error message if it cannot validate the file. If Quicken is able to validate the file and any errors are found, Quicken displays a message, "Data losses were found in your file". You can view the log file for more information.
  6. Return to the top of this FAQ and repeat the Download new transactions... and Check the account register... sections above.
If copy and validate do not resolve this issue
Working with regular bank accounts (checking, savings, credit, etc.)
  1. Deactivate online services for the account.
  2. Activate online services for the new account.

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  1. As with most issues from Intuit, these corrective actions don't work. I can open the data in the online center and select compare to register all day long, and nothing changes.


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